Quoceant are pleased to announce that we have been contracted by SynchroStor as part of their phase 2, Long Duration Energy Storage (LODES) project. Quoceant will work closely with SynchroStor engineers to develop a state-of-the-art physics and control whole-system model along with detailed models of the novel subsystems required to compress and expand a working fluid and transfer heat to and from the storage media.

Image courtesy of SynchroStor
SynchroStor are developing a patented Pumped Thermal Energy Storage (PTES) system aimed at meeting the changing needs of the grid system as it transitions to greener sources of energy generation. The company recently announced it had been successful in securing funding from the LODES Phase 2 round awarded by the Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). The funding will enable SynchroStor to build a PTES grid-connected demonstration plant with the ability to charge and discharge, storing for periods longer than current battery technology.
Jacob Ahlqvist, Managing Director at SynchroStor said: "At SynchroStor we are accelerating the R&D of our novel energy storage solution. Selecting highly skilled sub-contractors is an important part of de-risking our programme. We are delighted to welcome Quoceant onboard to provide expertise in physics and control modelling."