Today, recently formed Quoceant Ltd announces a major contract from Wave Energy Scotland to provide specialist knowhow to consolidate and help utilise intellectual property assets recently purchased from Pelamis Wave Power’s administrators.
Quoceant brings together a strong multidisciplinary team of former Pelamis engineers to form a unique new technology consultancy and engineering service provider. This new business will offer its knowledge and capability to the wider marine energy and marine engineering community to help optimise current programmes, find specific solutions to existing problems, and bring a fresh approach to technology innovation, integration, and implementation.
Managing Director Richard Yemm said, “Quoceant brings together a core of specialist skills and experience built-up and honed at Pelamis because we know this can find valued application across a much wider cross-section of the marine industry. We are excited at the prospect of applying our world leading capability, developed over 15 years of cutting edge R&D, to new applications.”
“We warmly welcome the Wave Energy Scotland contract announced today. This allows us to furbish them with a much clearer insight into state of the art of wave energy technology and make sure our hard-won at-sea experience is retained. This work will help them to build an informed and robust business plan going forwards, and this is good news for the future of marine renewables in Scotland. For Quoceant it also represents a springboard for the longer term; we will now be engaging with the wider marine technology industry to discuss ways in which we can add value to their projects.”
The BBC news story on the award of this contract can be seen here.